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Wednesday 26 June 2013

What More Users Want From iPad Magazines?

Before you jumpstart any new project in order to steer your business to success, you must know what the targeted audience is looking for. This is the basic fundamental principle of every new start up. Even, big print media and electronic media house follow this strategy. Publishing your magazines on the iPad must bring in something better for the readers. By publishing your articles on the mobile platform, your responsibility doesn’t come to an end. You must pursue to know what your readers expect of you. This article tells you it all. Take a look!

Have you ever tried to differentiate between your printed articles and the articles published on the iPad platform? If you haven’t tried given it shot, it’s high time, you start making a difference. If you want to get paid for publishing on the iPad platform, you have to offer something more and something better than what you offer on other media.

Here you get to know what I mean by better offerings-

1. Flash Book or Magazine Reading Experience-

Reading PDF files over and again is something boring and monotonous. Most of the readers skip reading all these stuff due to their low quality. However, you have to keep in mind that you can offer you readers better reads only by converting your PDF file into Flash or HTML files. This introduces a pleasure to readers and they wouldn’t mind paying you for this.

2. Cheaper Than the Market Price-

Another biggest attraction for readers is the price of magazines. With the help of various apps, these days it has been made easier for publishers to offer their readers highly quality reads. It help readers continue their reading without making a hole in their purse. Moreover, something more by paying less is always a bonus for consumers. Readers are no way different. You just need to focus on their pricing offer the same article at lower price.

3. Social Sharing and Making Things Move Ahead-

An article or a book needs a channel in order to get its recognition among readers. The best part is that you have to be careful about your social media sharing. There are many famous and globally known print and mobile publishers who are punctual and publish their offers in real time. There are two more things that you have to ensure at the right time.

4. Real time Publications-

Readers love reading stuffs that breaks every minute. With the advancement in the field of technology, circulating news takes few minutes. Media house must take thing into consideration and they must make a provision for their iPad readers so that they can get all news handy at the real time.

The Bottom Line-

iPad publishing has been on the rise since the launch of iPad and iPhones as a new medium of reading. An avid reader want to stay ahead of the competitions and that is why he needs to get all information and reads handy on their iPads. It helps you get better over time and you have to take much care of your iPad editions at the outset.

Starting from “The Wall Street” journal to “The New Yorker” magazine to the “Reader’s Digest”- all world’s hugely popular print media organization has adapted the editions of their articles ready for iPad platform. However, the basic difference between the print and iPad Magazines Publishing is that readers expect better and quality reads when they come to read on their rectangular devices. Discover what’s there on their mind and deliver it. You will see the difference.